Top Artistas
Top Músicas
A Syntese
A 100 Destino
A 24
A 25ª Experiência
A 26 Sentido Unico
A 4 Apple
A 750ml Affair
A 7Mares
A Adoradora
A And R
A Angel For Me
A Arca
A Arca de Noé
A Arca de Noé (Musical)
As Bahgualadas
As Bahgualdas
As Baías
As Baías (As Bahias e a Cozinha Mineira)
As Baphônicas
As Beige
As Bests
As Blood Runs Black
As Bofinhas
As Bold As Lions
B Angie B
B ao Cubo
B Charme
B Chiku Sentai SOX
As Caçulinhas
As Caipiras
As Calopsitas Tomadoras de Nescau
As Carinhosas
As Centelhas
As Cinzas do Tempo
As Cities Burn
As Claves de Sol
As Cobras Malditas
As Cores Avessas de Frida Kahlo
As Crianças Cantam
As Crônicas de Nárnia
As Cumade
C -Ya
As Danadinhas
As Dannadinhas
As De Ouro
As December Falls
As Delmondes
As Desejadas
As Despejadas
As Divas
As Divas do Arrocha
As Divine Grace
As Do They Fall
As Donnas
As Dramatic Homage
D ' Larc
As Eden Burns
As Enemies Arise
As Espiãs do Rio
As Esquisitonas
As Estrelas
As Estrelinhas
As Everything Unfolds
As Experimentas
E a Terra Nunca Me Pareceu Tão Distante
E a Vaca Foi Pro Brejo
E Agora, Zé?
E Band
E Capruun
E Craft
E for Explosion
As Faces de Chico
As Farp's Law
As Fast As
As Filhas Da Promessa
As Flames Die Out
As fogosas
As Forever Fades
As Frenéticas
As Friends Rust
F 7 3 PACK
F Batista
F Cascione
As Gaivotas
As Galvão
As Ganhadeiras de Itapuã
As Gatas
As Gauchinhas
As Gods
As Gurias
G - Star
G Ambrosio
G Block
G Chrisovam
G Christovam
As Hell Retreats
As Hope Dies
As Horas
H & Claire
H 3 F
h a u x
H Aufray (old french song)
H C Farias
H doble K
H E N R I K E Lucho
H Hanna
As I Attempt
As I Fall
As I Kill
As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying (Austria)
As I Lay Dyng
As I May
As In Adversaries
As in Rebekkamaria
As Indomadas
As Insólitas
As Irmãs do Arrocha
As Irmãs Tavares
As Isaac
As It Is
As Januárias
J (
J (Jun Onose)
J 087
J a D a
J a u m
J Abdiel
J Abecia
J Adore
J Alex
J Alphonse Nicholson
J Alvarez
J Antoni Jota
J Antony
J Balvin
K (Kei)
K 93
K a e
k a l i
k a m a i t a c h i
K And The Dogs
K Anime Project
K Beezy 28
K Cagri Ozcan
K Camp
K Cl Hailey
K da Coiza
K Da Cruz
As Leites
As Leoas
As Light Dies
As Lions
As Lobinhas
As Longas Viagens
L (Infinite)
L (Raphaële Lannadère)
L Brother
L Clint Produções
L Club
L D Carlos Alberto Navarro
L Devine
L e a x
L e M - Pe Jose A. de Lacerda Jr.
As M.m.f
As Mais Belas Histórias da Bíblia
As Mais Mais da Bahia
As Malandras
As Mambas
As Manas
As Manas do Forró
As Marcianas
As Melhores
As Melhores do Forró 2012
As Melindrosas
As Memory Dies
As Meninas
As Meninas de Deus
As Meninas De Jesus
As Nandas
As Negas Sarah & Juddy
As Night Falls
As Ninas
As Novinhas
N . T . I
N Filip
N Five
N Fly
N Fora
N G La Banda
N i G H T S
As Oceans
As Oliveiras de Cristo
As Olívias
As One (K-Pop)
As One 1820
As One OG Mile
O - Dred
O (Sur)real Mundo de Any Malu
O 4º Sobrevivente
O Acaso Mora ao Lado
O Admirador
O Aine Rause
O Alento
O Álibi
O Alienista
As Packards
As Palavras
As Palavras Queimam
As Pantaneiras
As Panteras
As Paradise Falls
As Parêa
As Patricinhas
As Pepitinhas
As Pequeninas
As Pérolas da Adoração
As Pitchulas
As Poderosas
As Primas
As Princesinhas
Os Q'delicias
Os Quais
Os Quatis
Os Quatro
Os Quatro Amigos & João Dias
Os Quatro e Meia
Os Quatro Gaudérios
Os Quatro Reais
Os Quatro Valetes
Os Quebradeiras
Os Quéops
Os Qüeras
Os Querubins
Os Querubins da Guarda
Os Químicos
As Radioativas
As Rappa
As Rochinhas
As Ronaldinhas
Os Radiadores
Os Rancheiros
Os Reaças
Os Refletores
Os Regnaldos
Os Reis da Cocada Preta
Os Reis do Fandango
Os Reis do Fofa
Os Reis do Iê Iê Iê
Os Rélpis
Os Remanescentes
As Sahar
As Sanity Fades
As Sekiria
As Serenity Fades
As Silence Breaks
As Sirens Fall
As Stories Go
As Stormclouds Gather
As Stouradas
As Styllozas
As Sublimes
As Super Gatinhas
Os Sacerdotes
Os Safardanos
Os Sakanas
As Tall As Lions
As Tandinhas
As Tandinhas &
As Tchutchucas
As Tequileiras
As The Blood Spills
As The Palaces Burn
As The Planet Dies
As The Plot Thickens
As the Sea Parts
As The Sky Falls
As The Structure Fails
As The Sun Sets
As The World Fades
As They Burn
Os Ultra Secretos
Os Ultra-sônicos
Os Under-Undergrounds
Os Undergraudios
Os Ungidos
Os Unicistas
Os Urutaus
The U-Krew
The U-Men
The U.M.C.'s
The Ugly
The Ugly Club
The Ugly Ducklings
The Ugly Facade
The Ugly Kings
As Verdades de Anabela
Os Vadios
Os Vagalumes
Os Valanga
Os Valdo's
Os Valetes
Os Valletes
Os Vaqueirinhos de Jesus
Os Varões
Os Vasos do Oleiro
Os Vegetais
Os Veigas
Os Velhos
Os Velhos Guris
Os Vencedores
As Xaves
Os Xarás do Forró
Os Xocoteiros
The X-Ecutioners
The Xcerts
The Xebellian Triangle
The Xomanos
The Xperience Project
The Xupet's
The XX
X 7ears
X Alfonso
X Ambassadors
X Cite
As We Ascend
As We Back to Life
As We Draw
As We Fight
Os Wambler
Os Wanderleys
Os Wilsos
The W's
The Wage Of Sin
The Waifs
The Waifs
The Wailers
The Wailin' Jennys
The Waiting
As You Drown
The Yagas
The Yankee Dolar
The Yankees
The Yardbirds
The Yardbrooms
The Yardigans
The Yasha Kagemusha's
The Yayhoos
The Yeah You's
The Year Of Our Lord
The Years Gone By
The Yellers
The Yellow Monkey
The Yellow Punk
Os Zé Pedro dos Xutos
Os Zéz
Os Zezeis
Os Zing
The Zambonis
The Zane
The Zasters
The Zealots
The Zeest
The Zejados
The Zen Circus
The Zenith Passage
The Zephyrs
The Zeros
The Zezas Cassolote
A Syntese
A 100 Destino
A 24
A 25ª Experiência
A 26 Sentido Unico
A 4 Apple
A 750ml Affair
A 7Mares
A Adoradora
A And R
A Angel For Me
A Arca
A Arca de Noé
A Arca de Noé (Musical)
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Exibir músicas por
ordem alfabética
número de acessos
Gaelia (The Sulan Sessions)
01. Moon Over Clare
02. Watching The Sun Go Down
03. Glasgow Town
04. The Ferryman's Daughter
05. The Ghost Of Pagan Song
06. Where Are You Now?
07. Living On Love
08. The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
09. Madrigalinda
10. Down By The Harbour
11. Rock Me
12. Lover O' Lover
13. Awaking Year
Jump In The Line
01. Jump In The Line
02. Banana Boat Song (Day-o)
03. Island In The Sun
04. Scarlet Ribbons
05. Jamaica Farewell
06. Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
07. Shenandoah
08. No Hunger
09. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
10. Jamaica Time
Brother Sun Sister Moon
01. The Little Church
02. The Lovely Day
03. Lullaby
04. Brother Sun, Sister Moon
05. A Soldier's Dream
06. Shape In The Sky
07. Gentle Heart
08. The Year Is Awaking
09. Island Of Circles
10. The Lovely Day (Instrumental)
To Sing For You
01. Catch The Wind
02. To Sing For You
03. Interview
04. Colours
05. The Candy Man
06. Working On The Railroad
07. Interview
08. Universal Soldier
09. Little Tin Soldier
10. Runnin' From Home
11. Turquoise
12. Bert's Blues
13. Daddy You've Been On My Mind
14. Hampstead Incident
15. Interview
16. Mellow Yellow
17. The Tinker And The Crab
Shadows Of Blue
01. Blue Jean Angel
02. Resurrect Your Love
03. To Love You
04. River Of Ruin
05. Shadows Of Blue
06. Rock & Roll Gypsy
07. The Loving Of You
08. The Blame Game
09. The Harmonica Girl
10. The Bungalow
New Songs From An Icon
01. Gentle Heart
02. The Olive Tree
03. Ja Healer
04. Amore
05. Devil Weed
06. Open Up Your Heart
07. The Mountain
08. Big Pop Star
09. Local Chops Wood
10. A Woman Works
11. The Dignity Of Man
Essential Donovan (Remastered)
01. Catch the Wind [Mono Version]
02. Colours [Mono Version]
03. Sunshine Superman [Unedited Version]
04. Season of the Witch
05. Mellow Yellow [Mono Version]
06. Epistle to Dippy
07. There Is a Mountain
08. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
09. Jennifer Juniper
10. Hurdy Gurdy Man
11. Laleña
12. To Susan on the West Coast Waiting
13. Atlantis
14. Barabajagal
Beat Café
01. Love Floats
02. Poorman's Sunshine
03. Beat Cafe
04. Yin My Yang
05. Whirlwind
06. Two Lovers
07. The Question
08. Lord of the Universe
09. Lover a Lover
10. The Cuckoo
11. Do Not Go Gentle
12. Shambhala
Pied Piper
01. I Love My Shirt
02. Happiness Runs
03. Sun Magic
04. People Call Me The Pied Piper
05. Little Boy In Corduroy
06. Colours
07. Jackie Beanstalk
08. A Funny Man
09. Mandolin Man And His Secrets
10. Nature Friends
11. Wynken Blynken And Nod
12. Little Teddy Bear
13. Voyage To The Moon
Rising Again
01. Jennifer Juniper
02. Catch The Wind
03. Josie
04. The Hurdy Gurdy Man
05. Sunshine Superman
06. Colours
07. There Is A Mountain
08. Mellow Yellow
09. Sadness
10. Universal Soldier
11. Cosmic Wheels
12. Isle Of Islay
13. Trucking Your Blues Away
14. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
15. Love Will Find Again
16. The Pee Song
17. Sailing Homeward
18. Mr Flute Man
19. Lalena
20. Young Girl Blues
21. Young But Growing
22. Stealing
23. Season Of The Witch
24. Atlantis
25. Colours
26. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting
27. Catch The Wind
28. Make Up Your Mind To Be Happy
29. Happiness Runs
The Fairy Tales Of Hermann Hesse
01. A Man By The Name Of Ziegler
02. The Dwarf
03. A Dream About The Gods
04. Faldum
05. The Poet
06. Flute Dream
01. Please Don't Bend
02. Give It All Up
03. Sleep
04. Everlasting Sea
05. High Your Love
06. The Clear-browed One
07. The Way
08. Deep Peace
09. Nirvana
10. Eldorado
11. Be Mine
12. Lady Of The Lamp
13. The Evernow
14. Universe I Am
01. Jennifer Juniper
02. Catch The Wind
03. Hurdy Gurdy Man
04. Sunshine Superman
05. Sadness
06. Universal Soldier
07. Cosmic Wheels
08. Atlantis
09. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
10. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting
11. Colours
12. Young Girl Blues
13. Young But Growing
14. Stealing
15. Sailing Homeward
16. Love Will Find A Way
17. Lalena
18. Make Your Mind Up
Lady Of The Stars
01. Lady Of The Stars
02. I Love You Baby
03. Bye, Bye Girl
04. Every Reason
05. Season Of The Witch
06. Boy For Every Girl
07. Local Boy Chops Wood
08. Sunshine Superman
09. Living For The Love Light
10. Till I See You Again
Love Is Only Feeling
01. Lady Of The Flowers
02. Lover o Lover
03. The Actor
04. Half Moon Bay
05. The Hills Of Tuscany
06. Lay Down Lassie
07. She
08. Johnny Tuff
09. Love Is Only Feeling
10. Marjorie Margerine
01. Shipwreck
02. Only To Be Expected
03. Comin' To You
04. No Hunger
05. Neutron
06. Mee Mee I Love You
07. The Heights of Alma
08. No Man's Land
09. We Are One
10. Madrigalinda
11. Harmony
01. Brave New World
02. Astral Angel
03. Local Boy Chops Wood
04. Kalifornia Kiddies
05. International Man
06. The Light
07. Sing My Song
08. Lady Of The Stars
09. Maya's Dance
10. Dare To Be Different
Slow Down World
01. Dark-Eyed Blue Jean Angel
02. Cryin' Shame
03. The Mountain
04. Children Of The World
05. My Love Is True (Love Song)
06. A Well Known Has Been
07. Black Widow
08. Slow Down World
09. Liberation Rag
01. Rock And Roll Souljer
02. Your Broken Heart
03. Salvation Stomp
04. The Ordinary Family
05. Ride-a-mile
06. Sadness
07. Moon Rok
08. Love Of My Life
09. The Voice Of Protest
10. How Silly
11. The Great Song Of The Sky
12. The Quest
Live In Japan: Spring Tour 1973
01. Hurdy Gurdy Man
02. Only The Blues
03. Sadness
04. A Working Man
05. Your Broken Heart
06. The Universal Soldier
07. The Dignity Of Man
08. Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness)
09. Tinker Tune
10. Living For The Love Light
11. Josie
12. Sailing Homeward
13. The Ferrymans Daughter
14. Life Is a Merry-Go-Round
Cosmic Wheels
01. Cosmic Wheels
02. Earth Sign Man
03. Sleep
04. Maria Magenta
05. Wild Witch Lady
06. The Music Makers
07. The Intergalactic Laxative
08. I Like You
09. Only The Blues
10. Appearances
Essence To Essence
01. Spaceship Earth
02. Lazy Daze
03. Life Goes On
04. There Is An Ocean
05. Dignity Of Man
06. Yellow Star
07. Divine Daze Of Deathless Delight
08. Boy For Every Girl
09. St. Valentine Angel
10. Life Is a Merry-Go-Round
11. Sailing Homeward
HMS Donovan
01. The Walrus And The Carpenter
02. Jabberwocky
03. The Seller Of Stars
04. Lost Time
05. The Little White Road
06. The Star
07. Coulter's Candy
08. The Road
09. Things To Wear
10. The Owl And The Pussycat
11. Homesickness
12. Fishes In Love
13. Mr. Wind
14. Wynken Blynken And Nod
15. Celia Of The Seals
16. The Pee Song
17. The Voyage Of The Moon
18. The Unicorn
19. Lord Of The Dance
20. Little Ben
21. Can Ye Dance
22. In An Old Fashioned Picture Book
23. The Song Of Wandering Aengus
24. A Funny Man
25. Lord Of The Reedy River
26. Henry Martin
27. Queen Mab
28. La Moora
Open Road
01. Changes
02. Song For John
03. Curry Land
04. Joe Bean's Theme
05. People Used To
06. Celtic Rock
07. Riki Tiki Tavi
08. Clara Clairvoyant
09. Roots Of Oak
10. Season Of Farewell
11. Poke At The Pope
12. New Year's Resovolution
01. Barabajagal
02. Superlungs My Supergirl
03. Where Is She
04. Happiness Runs
05. I Love My Shirt
06. The Love Song
07. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting
08. Atlantis
09. Trudi
10. Pamela Jo
The Hurdy Gurdy Man
01. Hurdy Gurdy Man
02. Peregrine
03. The Entertaining Of A Shy Girl
04. As I Recall It
05. Get Thy Bearings
06. Hi It's Been A Long Time
07. West Indian Lady
08. Jennifer Juniper
09. The River Song
10. Tangier
11. A Sunny Day
12. The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow
13. Teas
Donovan In Concert
01. Intro
02. Isle Of Islay
03. Young Girl Blues
04. There Is A Mountain
05. Poor Cow
06. Celeste
07. The Fat Angel
08. Guinevere
09. Widow With Shawl (A Portrait)
10. Preachin' Love
11. The Lullaby Of Spring
12. Writer In The Sun
13. Pebble And The Man
14. Rules And Regulations
15. Mellow Yellow
Wear Your Love Like Heaven
01. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
02. Mad John's Escape
03. Skip-a-long Sam
04. Sun
05. There Was a Time
06. Oh Gosh
07. Little Boy In Corduroy
08. Under The Greenwood Tree
09. The Land Of Doesn't Have To Be
10. Someone Singing
For Little Ones
01. Song Of The Naturalist's Wife
02. The Enchanted Gypsy
03. Voyage Into The Golden Screen
04. Isle Of Islay
05. The Mandolin Man And His Secret
06. Lay Of The Last Tinker
07. The Tinker And The Crab
08. Widow With Shawl (A Portrait)
09. The Lullaby Of Spring
10. The Magpie
11. Starfish-on-the-toast
12. Epistle To Derroll
A Gift From a Flower To a Garden
01. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
02. Mad John's Escape
03. Skip-A-Long Sam
04. Sun
05. There Was a Time
06. Oh Gosh
07. Little Boy In Corduroy
08. Under The Greenwood Tree
09. The Land Of Doesn't Have To Be
10. Someone Singing
11. Song Of The Naturalist's Wife
12. The Enchanted Gypsy
13. Voyage Into The Golden Screen
14. Isle Of Islay
15. The Mandolin Man And His Secret
16. Lay Of The Last Tinker
17. The Tinker And The Crab
18. Widow With Shawl (A Portrait)
19. The Lullaby Of Spring
20. The Magpie
21. Starfish-on-the-toast
22. Epistle To Derroll
Sunshine Superman (UK)
01. Sunshine Superman
02. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda
03. The Observation
04. Guinevere
05. Celeste
06. Writer In The Sun
07. Season Of The Witch
08. Hampstead Incident
09. Sand And Foam
10. Young Girl Blues
11. Three Kingfishers
12. Bert's Blues
Mellow Yellow
01. Mellow Yellow
02. Writer In The Sun
03. Sand And Foam
04. The Observation
05. Bleak City Woman
06. House Of Jansch
07. Young Girl Blues
08. Museum
09. Hampstead Incident
10. Sunny South Kensington
Sunshine Superman
01. Sunshine Superman
02. Legend Of a Girl Child Linda
03. Three King Fishers
04. Ferris Wheel
05. Bert's Blues
06. Season Of The Witch
07. The Trip
08. Guinevere
09. The Fat Angel
10. Celeste
What's Bin Did And What's Bin Hid
01. Josie
02. Catch The Wind
03. Remember The Alamo
04. Cuttin' Out
05. Car Car
06. Keep On Truckin'
07. Goldwatch Blues
08. To Sing For You
09. Youre Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond
10. Tangerine Puppet
11. Donna Donna
12. Ramblin' Boy
01. Colours
02. To Try For The Sun
03. Sunny Goodge Street
04. Oh Deed I Do
05. Circus Of Sour
06. The Summer Day Reflection Song
07. Candy Man
08. Jersey Thursday
09. Belated Forgiveness Plea
10. The Ballad Of A Crystal Man
11. The Little Tin Soldier
12. The Ballad Of Geraldine
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